Thursday, January 26, 2023

1853: Pierce

Franklin Pierce, Democrat from New Hampshire, beats Virginia Whig Winfield Scott by 7% of the popualr vote in the election of 1852.

Helps Slavery Supporters in Kansas

In 1820, President Monroe promises that if any territories north of the northern border of what is now Oklahoma are to apply to become states, slavery will not be permitted there. But in 1854, Pierce decides to cancel that agreement and let white men in Kansas vote to decide whether slavery will be legal there or not. When men in Kansas who favor slavery demand that Pierce fire the temporary governor of the territory because he is not friendly to their cause, Pierce makes the pro-slavery William Shannon governor.

Bleeding Kansas

Many people who are against slavery live in Lawrence, Kansas, so men from Missouri who favor slavery loot and burn down that town in May of 1856. John Brown, who hates slavery, wants revenge, so five days later, he leads a group that murders five pro-slavery men in Osawatomie, Kansas. Pierce doesn't want to send soldiers to Kansas to ensure peace. The violence continues, and the state becomes known as "Bleeding Kansas."

Pierce remains in office until 1857.

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25. "Moby-Dick" (1851) by Herman Melville Chs. 133-135 and Epilogue

  " "He raised a gull-like cry in the air. 'There she blows - there she blows! A hump like a snowhill! It is Moby Dick!'&q...