Thursday, February 2, 2023

1828: Jackson

Andrew Jackson

Democrat from Tennessee, elected in 1828 and re-elected in 1832.

Ordered Native Americans Out of the South

The U. S. government had promised the Cherokees control over their homelands in Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. But when the white leaders of those states decided they wanted that land, jackson told the Cherokee they either had to give up control of their homelands or move west of the Mississippi river. He told the same thing to the Chickasaws, the Choctaws, and the Creeks. All of these nations except the Cherokee agreed to leave and moved to Oklahoma. The Supreme Court said the Cherokees had a right to their land, but Jackson encouraged Georgia to ignore the Supreme Court. Later, Jackson got a few Cherokees to agree to his plan. He said those few who agreed with him represented allf othe Cherokees, even though the vast majority of the Cherokees were against the deal.

When many of the people of the Seminole nation refused to leave their homelands in Florida in 1836, Jackson started a bloody war with them that did not end until long after his presidency was over.

Stopped Delivery of Mail That Advocated for an End to Slavery

Jackson told mail carriers in slave states that they did not have to deliver mail that promoted bringing an end to slavery. Jackson himself held over 150 African-American men, women, and children captive as slaves on his Tennessee farm.

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25. "Moby-Dick" (1851) by Herman Melville Chs. 133-135 and Epilogue

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