Thursday, January 12, 2023

1861: Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, Republican from Illinois, beats Kentucky Southern Democrat John Breckenridge by 22% of the popular vote in the election of 1860. Four years later, Lincoln beats New Jersey Democrat George McClellan by 10% of the popular vote.

Orders Attack on Pro-Slavery Rebels in the South

When he is running for President, Lincoln promises he will not interfere with slavery, even though he hates it. But when he is elected, many slavers in the South believe he will free the slaves anyway. They don't want to be a part of a country where slavery is illegal, so they say they aren't part of the United States anymore and elect their own President: Jefferson Davis. When Davis orderes rebel soldiers to attack U.S. soldiers at Fort Sumter in South Carolina in 1861, Lincoln orders 75,000 volunteers to fight back, and the Civil War begins. Eventually, five million soldiers fight in the war, and more than 600,000 of them are killed, more than in other way in American history.

Frees Slaves in Rebel States

Again and again, Lincoln says he is fighting the South to save the Union, not to free the slaves. His "Emancipation Proclamation" says the only places where slavery will be permitted is in states loyal to the Union.

Institutes Draft with "Opt-Out" Provision

Because not enough men are volunteering to replace all the soldiers who are being killed, Lincoln signs a law in 1863 that picks men at random and forces them to join the army. But if you are rich, you can pay someone to take your place (future U.S. President Grover Cleveland does this). Many poor people think this law is unfair. Three months after the law passes, they start a riot in New York City. During the riot, they kill many innocent Blacks, whom they blame the War on. Lincoln orders soldiers to rush to New York City to stop the riots.

Frees All Slaves

After Lincoln is re-elected in 1864, he pushes for a 13th Amendment that makes slavery illegal in all the U.S.

Creates Freedmen's Bureau

The Bureau gives food, clothing, and medical care to Southern Blacks affected by the War and helps them find abandoned fields to farm.

Lincoln is shot by John Wilkes Booth on April 14th, 1865 and dies a day later.

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25. "Moby-Dick" (1851) by Herman Melville Chs. 133-135 and Epilogue

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