Tuesday, January 24, 2023

1857: Buchanan

James Buchanan, Democrat from Pennsylvania, beats California Republican John C. Fremont by 12% of the popular vote and former President Millard Fillard Fillmore by 24% of the popular vote in the election of 1856.

Tries to Help Spread Slavery to Kansas

Before Kansas becomes a state, most of the people who lived there are opposed to slavery. But when they have a vote to decide whether or not slavery would be legal in Kansas, pro-slavery outsiders cheated to win the vote. Even though most Kansas don't want slavery, Buchanan asks the Congress to allow slavery in Kansas based on that fraudulent vote. The Congress tells Buchanan that they won't let Kansas become a state at all unless they hold another vote. They do. And slavery is rejected by a wide margin.

Will Not Attack Pro-Slavery Rebels in the South

When Lincoln is elected President, many slave owners in the South think he will free the slaves, and they don't want to be part of a country where slavery is illegal. Buchanan tries to convince the leaders of South Carolina to change their minds. When he is not successful, he orders U.S. soldiers in the port of Charleston to abandon one federal fort and move to another on on an island because it will be easier to defend against an attack. The South Carolina rebels take over the abandon fort. Buchanan does not order his soldiers to attack the rebels without getting permission from Congress, but Congress won't give the order, either.

Buchanan remains in office until 1861.

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25. "Moby-Dick" (1851) by Herman Melville Chs. 133-135 and Epilogue

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