Thursday, January 12, 2023

1865: Johnson

Andrew Johnson, Democrat from Tennessee, becomes President in April when a gunman kills Lincoln.

He remains in office until 1869.

Tries to Block Efforts to Help Former Slaves

Johnson rejects Congress's plans to protect and provite shelter and food for former slaes and aggressively punish Southern whites who terrorized Blacks and kept them from voting, owning land or property, or moving about freely. Johnson said Congress's plan would make Blacks lazy. Congress votes to move ahead with their plan anyway.

Supports White Control Over Blacks in the South

Johnson replaces several military officers with others who suppot White control over Blacks in the South. For this act and others, many in Congress want to kick Johnson out of office. Eventually, 35 Senators vote to kick Johnson out of office, and 19 vote to keep him in. Because they need 36 votes to kick him out, Johnson remains in office.

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25. "Moby-Dick" (1851) by Herman Melville Chs. 133-135 and Epilogue

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