Sunday, February 5, 2023

1517: Protestant Reformation

“Luther” (1520) by Lucas Cranach the Elder

Giovanni Medici, the second son of Lorenzo, the most powerful person in Florence, Italy becomes a cardinal at age 14 in 1489, and then Pope Leo X in 1513.

He tells the rich that God will forgive their sins if they give money to make St. Peter’s Basilica the most impressive church in the world.

A 34-year-old priest born in Eislaben, Germany protests that no one—not even the Pope— should tell the rich they can buy God’s forgiveness.

In 1517, Martin Luther nails his complaints about Leo X’s policies—95 Theses—to a church door in Wittenburg and divides the Christian World.

Leo X and King Carlos V of Spain tell Luther to take it back, but he won’t. So Leo X kicks Luther out of the church.

Many people who agree with Luther’s complaints quit the church.

Others quit because they don’t want the Pope telling them what to do.

Those who quit the church are called Protestants.

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